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  • 👨‍💻 Personal Cyber Security CHECKLIST 👨‍💻  – part four

Topic: Safe Email

It is extremely important to protect your email account. Why? If you haven't turned on multi-factor authentication (MFA), an attacker can access other online accounts or reset passwords through a "hacked" email ... (and you won't even know it, the attacker will create a rule that cleverly "hides" new incoming messages ).


  • Turn on MFA, set a strong password, save it in password manager (Chuck Norris doesn't need to because he remembers all the passwords in the world)
  • Consider switching to a secure and encrypted mail service provider such as ProtonMail or Tutanota.
  • Use email aliases to protect your real mailing address - services like Anonaddy or SimpleLogin.
  • Disable automatic loading of remote content, often used to closely monitor email opening or to load malicious code.
  • Consider using a custom domain. Why? You won't lose your email address if your current provider goes out of business.


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